Airlines today are increasingly doing more with
fewer core resources-modifying services to satisfy customer
requirements, and utlimately are focused on more profitability.
When all functional areas become leaner, each function must
share plans and direction more often-within and outside
the organization. This coordinatioin of marketing, finance,
and operations may account for immense savings each year.
This is what eRev delivers to do.
eRev leverages robust applications in key revenue
accounting areas (i.e. reservations, departures, refunds,
etc.). The eRev team can consult any airline on the different
implementation packages we have to offer. eRev's core browser
based infrastructure enables airlines to access data securely
via internet or any other means of communication. The eRev
development team has spent years creating the most innovative
revenue accounting package in the market. You can count
on it.